- Company: Employment agency that is a direct client of YouRecruit
- User: User that is logging into YouRecruit and managing Employees, Organisations, Shifts, Timesheets (also called Consultant).
- Organisation: This is the client organisation of your company (usually set as as the Trust or Organisation profile).
- Org Users: (also called contacts or Team leaders).
- Org Location: Contact location for the client organisation (usually set as the hospital name).
- Org SubLocation: Optional sublocation within org location (usually a specific ward within a hospital).
- Employee: An employee of your company employed on behalf of the client organisation.
- LTE (Long term event): This is used for long term employment where the employee has a fixed contract with one organisation for several months (not part of this help file).
- STE (Short term event): Can contain one or more shifts for one organisation within a week.
- Shift (previously called sub requirement): Specification of all details required to assign the employee to a position (date, time start, expected time end, number of positions, role, notes).
- Appointment: Specific employee added to the shift (can have multiple statuses – assigned, pending, applied, cancelled).
- Timesheet: Allows the employee to log their hours (automatically generated from the assigned appointment).
- Role: A role defines the type of position required for a work shift
- : Each page might have a submenu on the top right of the page. These include actions relevant to the current page.
- Save: Remember most of the pages contain the Save button which will process your changes to the database.
- Time: When entering times, always use 24 hours notation, you can enter the time without the colon, the browser will update time to the proper format.
- List items mouseover: In many places, you can mouseover the item and action icons will appear.
- Help tooltips: There are many places where an explanation tooltip is displayed when you mouseover them. They usually display a help mouse pointer. These can be in the form of an info icon, error icon or other short text areas that might require a short description.
- Filters: In multiple list pages, it is possible to save a search for later use. You can also save one as a favourite which will define the default page loading option.
- Filters display multiple: If there are certain items within a filter where it might make sense to display one or multiple, there is an additional icon on the mouseover which will then let you choose multiple items (by holding control and mouseclick) in the dropdown (e.g. Roles on the Employee list).